Damn it feels good to be a local!

By Traci Rork
Miss Informed


I plan on using this space for good and not evil. To offer insightful outlooks, wonderment and curious observations...a nd most of the time I will. But on other occasions, someone or
something in this town infuriates me and I’m tempted to publicly vent.
Currently ~ I am still peeved…so bare with me for just a moment as I vent for just a bit.

I won’t name any names, but a security guard at a large hotel that rhymes with Nasa Arena asked that I leave the pool with my friends because we were not guests.
There were three of us. We all bought drinks, tipped well and were nursing hangovers thus far from rowdy.

However after an hour or so, we were told that we were no longer welcome. What! I was
tempted to start name dropping people I knew who worked at the resort and inform the guard that two out of the three of us used to work there as well. But I simply grabbed our stuff and left in a huff without argument and wondered what these people were thinking.

It's officially summer guys - where’s your local spirit?

Two days earlier at the same stunning establishment, three of us received the exact opposite treatment. We were soaking in the rays and sipping deliciously frozen cocktails awarded to us by the friendly bartender . . . and given a local discount. We tipped well, took care of Bob the towel guy and had a splendid day by the pool. Plus, there were still ample spots available for hotel guests so we weren’t cramping anyone else’s style either. It was perfect.

The next trip…not so much. As I mentioned, it’s summer, so all of the Key West establishments are going to need the locals to keep the ball rolling during the slow season. And trust me, word travels fast when our pride is sequestered.

Now that the island has reached African temperatures, we all sport glistening faces, rosy cheeks and slightly damp attire. We work too much and too often so when it comes
to our days off, we treat ourselves - and rightly so. We are pool, boat or beach bound. We realize that submerging oneself in water is one of two ways to squelch the flames within, and holing up inside with the AC blaring and the blinds drawn is not exactly the most social option.

From personal experience, I know that there are a plethora of pools, restaurants, resorts and shops around town that not only welcome the loyal locals, they also reward them with discounts and special treatment. Terms of endearment intended to pamper the people who live, work and play here. Plus, we also have frequent visitors and are often asked by random people the best of the best in Key West. And let's be honest, we are not shy about dishing out our likes, dislikes and sheer hatred for certain establishments.

For the most part, all of my friends are in, or used to be in, the service industry, including yours truly. We know the drill - the long, fast, furious days/nights dealing with less than stellar, stereotypical tourists who sometimes ask questions unworthy of a response. But we have to answer and respond nicely nonetheless, because they pay our bills. But when a local arrives, they generally toss a heftier tip and give servers little if any grief.

Locals understand the daily grind and are generous because of it. They should not only be welcome, but I believe we should all be VIP.

On the other hand, I do understand that the guests at our hotels are paying a pretty penny to enjoy uninterupted use of their pools and beaches. But, I also understand that at this day in age and due to our country’s financial woes, many resorts are no where near capacity and could actually use a little extra business…who couldn’t?

I should also mention that there are many hotels in town that do offer local discounts at their spas and bars and that is how their acquire repeat customers and good street credit from the locals.

Locals: The people who live in a vacation destination but are constantly chased by nagging responsibilities. So I must say that it is lovely to be able to lose them all for a bit and drift away in thought and calmness at various places in paradise where we are welcome. If you work some place where locals are loved, let me know so perhaps next week I can inform my avid readers where they can go to receive the VIP treatment we all deserve.

And as I said before, I would rather use this column to promote kindness and not hang people out to dry when they ruffle my feathers. But just so you know, I have the
space . . . so remember this face! And be afraid . . . be very afraid . . . because if Miss Informed becomes Miss Treated, that could certainly be a big Miss Take!

To further inform Miss Informed, e-mail trork@keysnews.com

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