Sweater Syndrome - the ultimate sin


Miss Informed
By Traci Rork

Haven't we all stumbled upon a photo of ourselves wearing an embarrassingly ugly sweater? It's huge, obviously a bad decision and looks like it was found in the back of Bill Cosby's closet.

You think, "how could I have ever thought this was OK?"…..And the scary part is, not only did you pick out that ugly sweater yourself, but you wore it in public and proudly posed for photos. What were were we thinking and why didn't someone stop us!?!

Well ladies and gents, the same can be said for our exes; which we sometimes sport for years ~ even when they don't do us any justice. In most cases, people will try and warn us, but for unGodly reasons we love our comfortable sweaters and so we don't listen to anyone's advice. Blame it on youth, booze, or voodoo....but it's difficult to outgrow or outrun our sweaters, and those that got away want to help others do the same.

We all have friends or family members who are unfortunately involved with a looming disaster, and no one wants to wait for the train to crash. We can see that their selfish sweaters aren't the best choice for our loved ones, yet there's nothing in the world we can do because the more we say....the less they fray.

Just because someone walks like a lying, cheating, worthless duck doesn't mean they'll pay attention ~ even if you have stone-cold proof! They choose to ignore their lowered standards while settling down with their wardrobe malfunctions, and in a daze they spend their days with an itchy, stinky sweater. What could be better? Freedom.

Now there are some who actually realize these relationships are an addiction but they just don't have the strength to quit their knit-wits. After the latest let down, they may proclaim, "that's it, I'm done ~ for real this time". But usually they only make it a couple of weeks before letting their sweaters slither back into the closet.

It seems that you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose….but unfortunately you can't pick your friends clothes.

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