I was going to be a procrastinator….but decided it could wait ‘til later

By Traci Rork
Miss Informed


Last week I focused on seizing the day, which is something I wholeheartedly recommend doing . . . on occasion. But on other occasions, I think that it is perfectly acceptable and completely normal for one to do the exact opposite . . . Procrastinate.

The magnetic force that seizes your soul and drags your mind towards everything but the task at hand. Like when you’re supposed to be conducting a routine cleaning but somehow find yourself drawn to the junk drawer, meticulously sifting through stuff as if you’re mining for gold. Or when you’re supposed to be packing for a trip you end up trying on all of your clothes and cleaning out your closet until 3 a.m. It is the act of putting off, delaying or defering an action to a later time . . . It’s a nervous habit we exhibit when it’s time to get things accomplished and it is territory. . . Procrasti-nation.

This is a nation to which we all belong, so don’t even try and deny your citizenship. Think about it, even simple tasks like making a ‘to do’ lists are actually distractions from immediately starting or finishing a project. It’s unavoidable, especially considering the plethora of distractions available at our fingertips. In fact, I bet that while you’re reading this column there are a few chores or errands you’re momentarily postponing or avoiding. Don’t feel guilty, we all need to take a few mental vacations throughout the day, just don’t forget to check back in eventually.

Whether it’s looking up recipes, celebrity gossip, blogs, horoscopes, current events, videos, music or spending time in the devil’s playground (myspace, Facebook, or Twitter), be careful. These avenues are all time consuming ways to ensure that you get very little accomplished. I should know. I can’t even begin sit down and allow this column to present itself until I’ve wasted time and energy online….mostly on Facebook. It’s poison and it gives you a front row seat to everyone else’s lives while you take a break from yours.

Before I know it, I’m completely invested in birthday photos of a 2-year-old I’ve never met belonging to someone I may or may not have gone to high school with. Or I’ve spent way too much time skimming through photos of other people’s vacations or weddings or quizzes that determine what type of shoe they would be if they were indeed a shoe. I find myself hypnotized by the status updates that change constantly and keep one fully aware of who has an ear ache, who’s needs a coffee, a nap, a boyfriend, who hates Mondays and what everyone is doing for dinner. Sometimes they are funny and entertaining, but often this is just mindless and useless information that we absorb instead of focusing on other obligations of much more importance.

Like checking your horoscope, both in the paper and online, to see what kind of day it’s going to be for a Libra, or the rest of you folks. On a few occasions, mine has even promoted procrastination, suggesting I enjoy a nature walk or take a nap before tackling any duties . . . and who am I to argue with the stars?

That is until the panic sets in and I’m flirting with a deadline that needs to be met. In college, I actually turned in a final project for my video production class entitled “Sex can wait, don’t procrastinate”. It was a public service announcement about the dangers of waiting until the last minute to study. And . . .coincidentally it was filmed, edited and turned in at the last minute. I told the professor I wanted to end the semester with a bang and actually got one of the best grades in the class. Go figure. But sometimes we do our best work under pressure. You know, the whole ~ game’s tied, bases are loaded, two outs and you’re up to bat scenario.

But I’m honestly trying to make sure this doesn’t become a horrible habit.

At least this time while facebooking and delaying my column I can honestly say that I was conducting research…

To further inform Miss Informed, please e-mail trork@keysnews.com.

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