We’re going to party like it’s 1999 or 2009 . . . Or simply because it’s Thursday!

By Traci Rork
Miss Informed


As we all know, parties just don’t make themselves. In fact, it’s the people that make the parties and I’ll be the first to admit that because of all of the parties going on in this town, it doesn’t take long for the people to get pooped.

There is a lot of careful planning and preparation that goes into hosting a shindig leading some to believe that it is best to be just a guest, which is still work by the way. However, on other occasions, nothing is better than being the guest of honor or the host with the most and showing off your ability to entertain.

Except for the clean up aspect, which can be like a crime scene investigation that’s full of interesting clues and embarrassing realizations. Did someone really try and make a bloody Mary with Heinz ketchup? And seriously, who thought it would be fun to make mustard ice cubes?

Anyhow, for those of us who call the Southernmost island our home, there are plenty of opportunities to partake in a party or 30 a night, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

The social Mecca that is Key West is so jam packed with events that if you wanted to, you could celebrate something new every day and pretty much live party to party without ever having to grocery shop.

The hustle and bustle of every day chores are often woven into the obligatory chore of making it to a Christmas party, Fantasy Fest, wine tasting, birthday, art show or picnic. Not too mention the beach gatherings, dinner parties, reunions and weddings we’re expected to attend. When you are a friend to many, it means that your “spare” time becomes “their” time, but for the most part you’ll wind up having a good time, so we really shouldn’t complain. (Unless I’m in desperate need of some Traci time after going weeks without sitting on my couch watching the Comcastic cable I pay so much for).

While there are events and parties every day in every town, I must commend the community in the Keys for the ability to both plan and execute fantastic fiestas for all ages. Eventhough very few of us tend to grow up.

Case in point: I remember my mom asking me what I wanted for my 25th birthday and knowing immediately that I was in desperate need of a Slip N Slide if I was indeed going to be hosting a Slip N Slide party.

She couldn’t resist the urge to point out that a few of her friends were helping their daughters my age pick out wedding dresses, while she was hunting for a plastic toy for ages 4 and up. Nonetheless, she came through in the clutch, as did someone else so we had not one but TWO Slip N Slides to skid across, providing fun and pain that lasted for days.

There has also been a blow up bouncy castle birthday party, golf scrambles, pool parties, boat days, sleepovers, bachelorette parties . . . . Plus I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be more to come draining us all of our time, energy and funds.

So, due to limited funds and unlimited festivities, it’s safe to say that if I show up at your party empty handed, it means that I consider my presence to be your present! And rest assured that when my day of birth rolls around in late September, you’re welcome to do the same - show up and smile!

In the meantime, here’s a little present for everyone that is free, fabulous and already provided me with endless hours of entertainment . . . The Web site: textsfromlastnight.com.

A good party always provides a few lasting memories and while you may not remember much . . . Someone else will. So here is a preview of a few of the random, drunk texts people have received and shared on that Web site for our viewing pleasure . . . Enjoy!

“Rough night. sneezed a watermelon seed this morning and apparently I drunk dialed my boss for a ride home. Twice.”

“I want tt clbm rinabw nd ride uncrn”
“I wnt tto climb a rainboww and ride a unicornnnnnnnnn”

“Cops are here now. U need to come back. Ur not under arrest. But u need to apologize to the woman for what you did to her cat.”

“I woke up this morning to the buzzer on my oven going off... I cooked fish sticks at 425 degrees for 5 hours last night. my house smells awesome”

“Got weed?”
“I'm really tired of you accidentally texting me when your doing illegal things. I'm taking away your phone.”
“Sorry mom. . . “

To further Inform Miss Informed, e-mail trork@keysnews.com and to catch up on past ramblings, go to tracirork.blogspot.com.

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