Can it Grandma!



I just so happen to be smitten with my Grandma Jeanne who was tickled pink when I told her that I was working on putting her recipes together in a cookbook called Can it Grandma.

This wonderful woman cans salsa, jalapeno jelly, pepper slaw, pickles, relish. … and over the years she has made countless meals for  her grateful family and friends. Somewhere along the way she found the time to type and distribute a few of her favorite recipes, and I'm here to fact check and pass on the knowledge to you! For instance, it turns out  that 23 cups of mayonnaise actually means 2/3 cup....sometimes Grandma drinks).

Needless to say, our Key West house has been significantly more crowded since I began my mission with easy stew (very good, and yes, easy), macaroni salad, and apple crisp. But lately, the book has taken a back seat to canning, as bees suddenly decided to start living in our walls. This unexpected sticky situation wasn't exactly convenient......however, now we have some of the sweetest honey in existence and have been very busy canning this liquid gold.

Not only does canning make you feel self sufficient, but also closer and prouder of those that paved the way to who you are today. My grandma grew a lot of her own food, getting rid of the bugs and weeds in preparation for pleasing the palates of those she loves with home-grown goodness.

Year after year her house is overrun with tomatoes (a couple tons of tomatoes, actually... I've seen it, had to sleep with it, and still can't explain the fear). But in the end and with a little help from family, friends and uncle Butch's Budweisers, the chaos is crushed neatly into quarts which are then signed, sealed and delivered. What a concept!

Looking back, I'm grateful I was allowed to be a part of the process, although I certainly wasn't much help at the time (especially if bugs were around). Little did I know that my country bumpkin butt would end up canning crap on an island in the Caribbean. Let alone honey!!! Isn't life funny?

After this endeavor, I now also understand my Grandma's fondness for wine…this is hard work people, and clean up is the hardest part. Especially when your vacuum cleaner is filled with dead bee carcasses and everything you touch is sticky.

At least I've been too busy to be homesick...for the most part. I know exactly what I'm missing as Thanksgiving at Grandma's goes a little something like this: She leaps out of her recliner (on the rare occasion you catch her resting), scootches to the kitchen, and in a happy hurry she assembles her supplies and bosses people around. Saying mostly, "Traci, shut the ice box" and, "Colin, quit eating the bacon".

Then it's my Mom's turn to get scolded for drinking Butch's beer before we finally feast. The late Uncle Joe (grandma's twin brother) will still be affectionately mentioned as my brother will reenact his infamous mashed potato volcano. All of our plates piled high with gluttony and gratitude for damn good, home-cooked food. So, it's safe to say that I love my family more than I should, which I think is the perfect amount.

And we all know that with love comes torture, which is why I always have to tease Grandma about her love for John Wayne, slot machines and her peculiar pronunciation of certain words (such as peculiar and chiropractor, especially after a glass or two of wine). She also has this thing with calling lunch "dinner", and I'm not going to lie, it used to freak me out as a kid because if we were having dinner already.....I somehow got shafted out of lunch. What the?

But I soon found out that dinner was delicious and just when you start to get hungry again, grandma swoops in and "supper's ready"!

Sweater Syndrome - the ultimate sin


Miss Informed
By Traci Rork

Haven't we all stumbled upon a photo of ourselves wearing an embarrassingly ugly sweater? It's huge, obviously a bad decision and looks like it was found in the back of Bill Cosby's closet.

You think, "how could I have ever thought this was OK?"…..And the scary part is, not only did you pick out that ugly sweater yourself, but you wore it in public and proudly posed for photos. What were were we thinking and why didn't someone stop us!?!

Well ladies and gents, the same can be said for our exes; which we sometimes sport for years ~ even when they don't do us any justice. In most cases, people will try and warn us, but for unGodly reasons we love our comfortable sweaters and so we don't listen to anyone's advice. Blame it on youth, booze, or voodoo....but it's difficult to outgrow or outrun our sweaters, and those that got away want to help others do the same.

We all have friends or family members who are unfortunately involved with a looming disaster, and no one wants to wait for the train to crash. We can see that their selfish sweaters aren't the best choice for our loved ones, yet there's nothing in the world we can do because the more we say....the less they fray.

Just because someone walks like a lying, cheating, worthless duck doesn't mean they'll pay attention ~ even if you have stone-cold proof! They choose to ignore their lowered standards while settling down with their wardrobe malfunctions, and in a daze they spend their days with an itchy, stinky sweater. What could be better? Freedom.

Now there are some who actually realize these relationships are an addiction but they just don't have the strength to quit their knit-wits. After the latest let down, they may proclaim, "that's it, I'm done ~ for real this time". But usually they only make it a couple of weeks before letting their sweaters slither back into the closet.

It seems that you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose….but unfortunately you can't pick your friends clothes.